Thursday 7 November 2013

Predatory 'king of gore' dinosaur discovered,Monsters of the deep emerge as Halwill fishing lake is drained and Fluorescent barramundi

Predatory 'king of gore' dinosaur discovered
By Melissa Hogenboom Science reporter, BBC News
A new super-predator dinosaur that roamed the Earth 80 million years ago has been discovered in southern Utah.It was closely related to its slightly larger relative, Tyrannosaurus rex, but lived earlier, making it the largest living land predator of its time. Growing to about 30ft (9m) long, the predator has been named Lythronax argestes which means "king of gore". The research, published in the journal Plos One, highlights once more that the age of discovery is far from over. The team also hopes this new find will help uncover what the climate was like towards the end of the age of dinosaurs."It's always exciting to find new species but what's really significant is what these species tell us about their ancient world," said Randall Irmis, co-author of the study at the Natural History Museum of Utah, US.

Monsters of the deep emerge as Halwill fishing lake is drained
One of the fascinations of fishing is never quite knowing what's down there, lurking in the deep.But every now and again, at Anglers Paradise, the fishing lakes holiday centre at Halwill Junction in Devon, all is revealed when they drain a lake and sort out the fish.They did just that a few days ago and revealed, among the tens of thousands of scaly, finned creatures, a few genuine monsters.Owner and internationally-renowned angler Zyg Gregorek, said the 60lb catfish he is seen 'wrestling' with (left) was not even the biggest to emerge from the mud.
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Fluorescent barramundi growing in Lake Kununurra
By Ben Collins
There's something pretty unusual about the barramundi used in the restocking of Lake Kununurra. Under ultraviolet light the bones of the fish glow an eerie green colour.

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